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Students are seated in small groups all the time to facilitate group work. Every student has a specific role and has directions printed on a card at each desk.


My ultimate expectation for small groups is that students are working together as a team to progress. Sometimes this progress will be academic, other times it may be professional or personal. Our students need to develop in each of these areas to be successful as they move on in their life. 


In order to grow in these areas, there are certain rules - in addition to our Class Norms - that groups need to follow. To keep it brief, I call these our 'Group Norms.'


Get along with your teammates

Respect one another

Offer support and help to your team

Use indoor (soft) voices

Participate actively all the time



In addtion to Group Norms, each member of the team has specific, individual responsibilities for each assignment. These roles include:


  • Leader: facilitates the project getting done

  • Resource Manager: ensures that the group has all the materials necessary for completing the project

  • Time Keeper: keeps the group on task to finish the project on time

  • Reporter: responsible for the delivery of the final product

  • Motivator: encourages the group members to interact positively


In addition to each of these roles, each student must be a thinker and performer if the group is to be successful. EVERYONE'S participation makes collaborative learning meaningful!


Teaching norms to students for collaborative learning does not happen overnight. These are skills that our students must practice often. Because of that, students will have the opportunity to work in small groups at least twice each week. We will spend a lot of time at the beginning of the year working in small groups, so that students can learn my expectations for collaborative learning.


Small group assignments will change at the end of each unit. Generally, each group will work together for 3 to 4 weeks at a time. 


To motivate students as they engage in collaborative learning, I offer bonus points. If the student's group averages an 80% or higher (reaches our BIG goal) on the unit assessment, each student will earn a half-letter grade's worth of extra credit on the assessment. 


Often! Sometimes it is as simple as turning and talking to your group for two minutes. Other times it is for an entire class. It just depends on what we're trying to learn!


Students should not be confused about procedure for each instance we use small groups because I give directions every time. 


Regardless of whether the interaction is brief or extended, I expect that students follow directions and use GROUP norms 100% of the time!

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