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Rules... So Now You're Going to Tell Me What I Can't Do?


Kind of. Not exactly. Rules are extremely important in this world. Wherever we go, we have some rule to follow designed to maintain order and keep everyone accountable for how their actions contribute to the overall picture of society. Don't speed on the interstate. Don't steal from the store. Oftentimes, we think of rules as the things not to do. In my classroom, however, I consider rules actions that I want my students to engage in. Instead of calling them rules in my class, I call them 'norms.' When my students are following these norms, they are building habits to be successful in high school and later on in their life.


Our Classroom Norms


1. Be responsible.

2. Be respectful.

3. Follow directions the first time they are given.

4. Be prepared when class begins.

5. 100% participation 100% of the time.


In addition to these norms, we follow all the guidelines laid out in the blue Lee County Schools Handbook that you received at parent night. 


(If you do not have a copy of the handbook, click on the link above to see an online version!)

Below are the consequences for not following the classroom norms. Each offense will align to the demerit system as discussed in the Lee County Schools Handbook.


First offense:  Student/Teacher meeting to discuss behavior and solutions

Second offense: Phone call home

Third offense: Lunch detention with Mrs. Todd

Fouth offense: Mandatory parent/teacher conference

Fifth offense: Office referral

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