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Each student comes in to school with a different level of knowledge about math. Maybe they forgot everything they learned in seventh grade. Maybe they're still struggling with multiplication facts. I understand that, and my goal is to improve on the areas where students are weak. In order to do this, I have built in Follow-Up Fridays to our weekly schedule.


On Friday of every week, students are going to be working on skills that they have yet to master. Students will complete online tutorials, hands-on games, creating their own tracking system, and working in small groups with me -- all to make sure that they are learning the things that are going to be important to them as they go on to high school and eventually college or their career.


In addition to the review activities, students will also complete a Future project where they research a career and the educational requirements associated with that career. 


Look for their tracker to come home with them weekly. We will also be writing a report card to bring home at the end of each nine weeks!

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